Zija Wholesale and Distributor Enrollment Guide

Ensure there is a checkmark in the box labelled YES! I want to become a Wholesale Member.
Please note there is a $20 USD fee to become a Wholesale Member, or Distributor; however you will receive FREE membership if your first order is 250PV or greater, which you will see in the following steps.
Click the "Continue" button to proceed.
In this example we have chosen the Zija Starter System, under the Builder Systems category, as a first order. Not only will this provide a great start for you with Zija Core products it will also ensure that you have lots of samples to get customers involved quickly.
Please note that the pricing may not appear as shown, but importantly beside the pricing is the Personal Volume (PV) of the product. Remember that by purchasing an initial PV of 250 or more the $20 sign up fee is waived.
Click the "Proceed to Step 3" button once you are happy with your initial order.
In order to be an Active Distributor and make commission from products sold you must have an active autoship on file of 75PV or greater. We highly recommend putting your Zija Core Nutrition product as your autoship product as a monthly supply is 75PV, and you will want it replenished each month anyways.
Please note that you can change your autoship at any time during the month by changing products, increasing/decreasing amounts, and selecting accessories. You can even cancel it by contacting Zija International by phone, or e-mail.
Your username will also be used in your replicated Zija sales website that you can give out to potential customers and have them order directly from Zija International under your name.
Click the "Proceed to Step 4" button after choosing your autoship product(s).
**Wholesale Customers should scroll to the bottom of this page and put a checkmark in the box to indicate "No Autoship"
Completely fill in this page to ensure Zija International correctly has all of your shipping information.
The bottom section of the page asks for a unique username and password. These will give you access to your custom Zija Back Office website (www.drinklifein.com) where you can change your autoship order, order more products, track sales, and so much more. Be sure not to lose this valuable information!
Click the "Proceed to Checkout" button to proceed.
Fill in your payment information and ensure your shipping address is correct.
In the example to the right you can see the summary of our order, which is the SuperMix Builder System (again prices may not be as shown). You can also see that because the Builder system is 250PV the Enrollment Fee has been waived. You will also see that a bonus Welcome Kit was added to the order because of the Builder System chosen.
Review and Complete your order.
Once your order is complete and you have received a Zija ID Number please contact Jimmy Fryksten by e-mail at j.fryksten@drinkmoringa.se to receive a "Welcome to Team Drink Moringa" e-mail, access to the Distributor Facebook Group, and Zija Distributor business building information. Also any questions may be directed to Jimmy Fryksten as well.
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